Renewable Energy and Efficiency Initiatives
In 2023, roughly 26% of our total refinery energy consumption originated from renewable sources, including:
In 2023, roughly 26% of our total refinery energy consumption originated from renewable sources, including:
More than 99% of the electricity used at our Quebec City refinery comes from renewable sources – mainly hydropower, with small portions from wind, biomass, solar and thermal.
Adjacent to our McKee refinery in the Texas Panhandle, our wind farm includes 33 wind turbines with 50 megawatts of power generation capacity.
Our refineries utilize heat integration technology to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy-related operating expenses. Heat exchangers enable the transfer of thermal energy from high temperature process streams to lower temperature streams, decreasing natural gas or refinery fuel gas needs for heating and lowering utilities requirements for cooling.
Superior Process Efficiency With Ethanol
Our ethanol plants have implemented refining operational best practices in safety, reliability and environmental responsibility.
Six of our ethanol plants, with three more pending, are recognized under this program for superior process efficiency, including: