New Valero Volunteer Council (VVC) presidents gathered earlier this year from across the company in San Antonio for a two-day retreat to receive training, create best practices on volunteer engagement, and partner with the refinery public affairs team on brainstorming activities and initiatives, budgeting and other related subjects.
Twenty VVC presidents from Valero refineries, ethanol plants and offices from four countries flew to attend the training that is held every two years. In addition to community topics, VVC presidents also heard from guest speakers such as Rich Walsh, SVP, General Counsel and Secretary, and Eric Honeyman, VP Renewables Ops & Low Carbon Fuels.
The VVC presidents continued a tradition, ending the retreat with a volunteer event, this year at Meals on Wheels’ (MOW) new facility. The volunteers toured MOW’s 44,000-square-foot “Campus of Grace” headquarters, which features the Valero Volunteer Plaza, before assembling 1,140 breakfast packs and 1,012 lunch trays for seniors that day.
As a corporate partner since 2004, whether through monetary funding or volunteering to deliver meals to seniors, Valero’s support of MOW continues to this day.
Volunteers in Amarillo, Benicia, Houston, Memphis, Port Arthur, Texas City, Montreal and London also participate with MOW or other similar meal preparation or delivery programs at their sites for children and seniors throughout the year.

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